The Knowe of Swandro is a multi-period site which includes a Neolithic chambered cairn overlain by Iron Age, Pictish, Viking, and Norse settlements. Structures excavated at this point include a mid-Iron Age roundhouse, a late-Iron Age roundhouse, and a structure identified as Pictish. Coastal erosion is having a devastating effect on the archaeology of the site. Archaeologists are working each summer to excavate the site before the Atlantic Ocean encroaches and destroys the site.
About the Knowe of Swandro
Swandro-Orkney Coastal Archaeology Trust: The Excavation
Megalithic Portal: Knowe of Swandro
Journey to the Knowe of Swandro
The Knowe of Swandro is located on the coast of the isle of Rousay and can be accessed by ferry from Tingwall on Mainland Orkney.
Ordnance Survey Map (HY7523852934)
Visitors Information
Visitors information for the Knowe of Swandro may be found on the Discover Rousay website. General tourist information for Orkney may also be found on the Visit Orkney website.
Additional Photos of the Knowe of Swandro
Knowe of Swandro Excavation Information and Direction Sign
Approaching the Knowe of Swandro Excavation Site
The Knowe of Swandro Excavation Site
Structure 1, Knowe of Swandro Excavation Site
Structure 1, Knowe of Swandro Excavation Site
Close-Up of Structure 1, Knowe of Swandro Excavation Site
Close-Up Structure 1, Knowe of Swandro Excavation Site
Structure 2, Knowe of Swandro Excavation Site
Close-Up Structure 2, Knowe of Swandro Excavation Site
Close-Up Structure 2, Knowe of Swandro Excavation Site
Close-Up Structure 2, Knowe of Swandro Excavation Site
Structure 3, Knowe of Swandro Excavation Site
Structure 3, Knowe of Swandro Excavation Site
Close-Up Structure 3, Knowe of Swandro Excavation Site
Close-Up Structure 3, Knowe of Swandro Excavation Site
Looking Back at Knowe of Swandro Excavation Site