Saints Home Stones

Each issue of the Saints and Stones Homepage features a journey to take to explore the Saints and Stones of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. This journey is a one-day trip to the Ness of Brodgar, a spectacular archaeological excavation site covering six plus acres and is located between the Ring of Brodgar and the Stones of Stenness in the Heart of the Neolithic Orkney World Heritage Site on the West Mainland of Orkney. Excavations at the site began in 2003 and will conclude in 2024, after which the site will be buried to protect it for future work. Visited in 2007, 2017, and 2022.

Books: Ness of Brodgar: Past, Present & Future. Produced to accompany the 2024 summer exhibition at the Orkney Museum, Ness of Brodgar: Past, Present & Future reviews work at the site of the Stenness Neolithic complex over the past 20 years and at the same time looks forward to the post-excavation phase of the project. The 140-page book highlights key discoveries, identifies crucial questions, and singles out a few of our favourite finds, illustrated with many new photographs. Produced by the Ness of Brodgar Trust, printing costs were generously provided from the Orkney Archaeology Society Legacy Fund. Other books relating to the Ness of Brodgar excavation project

Publications/Publishers: News from the Ness is the free newsletter sent out a few times a year with up-to-date information about the dig, ongoing post-excavation work and much more! Subscribe by clicking the link above. Latest Issue

Websites and Blogs: Why is the Ness of Brodgar Dig Ending. It has been decided that fieldwork at the Ness of Brodgar will end after the 2024 excavation season. Although digging could continue for decades, our work on the major structures uncovered so far will be complete and we feel we have reached a logical place to pause. This link explains why.

Podcasts: . Stone Me: Ness of Brodgar. An excellent interview of Ness of Brodgar Project Director Nick Card by Matthew Magee, creator of Stone Me podcasts, who visits Scotland's most beautiful and fascinating neolithic sites to interview experts about what the sites were used for and what life was like 5,000 years ago. Other podcasts on the Ness of Brodgar project.

Organizations: American Friends of the Ness of Brodgar. Excavation on the scale of the Ness of Brodgar is expensive. Each season in the field costs over $200,000 and generates much more again in post-excavation costs during the rest of the year. The American Friends of the Ness of Brodgar (AFNOB) is a charitable organisation (ID 31954, IRS NO 46/4020309) established in 2012 to promote awareness of the Ness of Brodgar excavation and to provide financial support. Donations to AFNOB have contributed significantly to the annual cost of excavation and, from 2015, allowed the project to extend the summer digging season from six weeks to eight. In addition, AFNOB funded the publication of the project's guidebook. You can supportefforts by making a tax-deductible contribution to AFNOB here or by posting a contribution to: American Friends of the Ness of Brodgar, Inc., PO Box 61041, Virginia Beach, VA 23466. Email: Your support is truly appreciated. The creators of have been contributors to the Ness of Brodgar project since 2017.

Art/Photography/Museums: Ness of Brodgar: Past, Present and Future. To celebrate and coincide with the final season of excavation, the Ness of Brodgar is the subject of a major new exhibition at the Orkney Museum this summer. Running from May 4 until September 30, 2024, the exhibit looks back at two decades of excavation and ahead to the project's next phase – the analysis, interpretation and publication of all the material found. Running over multiple galleries, the exhibition is the largest hosted by the museum to date and will feature hundreds of finds from the Ness never before displayed in public. Accompanying the exhibition will be a new book, produced by the Ness of Brodgar Trust, with printing costs generously provided from the Orkney Archaeology Society Legacy Fund. The book reviews work at the Ness over the past twenty years, at the same time looking forward to the project's post-excavation phase. It highlights key discoveries, identifies crucial questions, and singles out a few of our favourite finds, illustrated with many new photographs.

Videos: We present several videos of the Ness of Brodgar project from various sources. The Ness Dig: A Video Introduction. Ness of Brodgar Excavation Site Flyover. The Ness on History Hit TV. Lastly, the Ness of Brodgar site has a Collection of Videos not only on the Ness but also on other archaeological topics. Well worth visiting.

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