Saints and Stones: Bolin Island Crannog (Lough Gur)

Bolin Island Crannog is located near the shore of Lough Gur. Roughly circular in shape, it is covered in trees.

It is one of the many sites in or near Lough Gur, one of Ireland's most important archaeological sites.

Humans have been present at Lough Gur since about 3000 B.C. In addition, there are numerous megalithic remains in the area.

About Bolin Island Crannog (Lough Gur)

Megalithomania: Bolin Island Crannog
Megalithic Portal: Bolin Island Crannog
Wikipedia: Crannog
Wikipedia: Lough Gur

Journey to Bolin Island Crannog (Lough Gur)

Bolin Island Crannog is located in Lough Gur off either the R512 at Holycross or the R514 just before its intersection with R513 in County Limerick, Ireland.

Map Reference: R646413

Visitors Information

Visitors information for the Lough Gur area may be found at the website. General tourist information may be found at the Visit website.

Additional Photos of Bolin Island Crannog (Lough Gur)

Sign Showing Location of Bolin Island Crannog on Lough Gur
Descriptive Sign for Bolin Island Crannog on Lough Gur
Bolin Island Crannog in Distance on Lough Gur
Close-Up of Bolin Island Crannog on Lough Gur
A Different View of Bolin Island Crannog on Lough Gur

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