Saints and Stones: Achvarasdal Broch

All that remains of Achvarasdal Broch is the base of the wall with an internal diameter of of over 32 feet (10 meters) and a height of about 2-1/2 feet (2 meters). The structure is built of brick-like slabs of whitish sandstone. As one visitor comments, "It is worth noting that none of these slabs are very large; in particular there are no very large blocks in the basal course. This broch may therefore never have been very high." It is one of the largest brochs in Caithness.

The brocht stands on flat ground on top of a slight rise. Interestingly, the broch has been excavated but without exposing the exterior wallface. The entrance is on the east-south-east and is 13 feet (3.97 meters) long with two built door-check from the exterior. The passage is almost 3 feet (0.84 meters) wide at the outer end and 2 feet 6 inches (0.76 meters) at the inner end.

Many who have visited the broch recently has exclaimed what a great job the Caithness Broch Project has done to remove the weeds that clogged it.

About the Achvarasdal Broch

Megalithic Portal: Achvarasdal Broch
Modern Antiquarian: Achvarasdal Broch
Canmore: Achvarasdal
Caithness Broch Project: Achvarasdal Broch
Caithness Broch Trail Brochure: Achvarasdal Broch

Journey to the Achvarasdal Broch

Achvarasdal Broch is near the village of Reay in Caithness in northwest Scotland. After heading east on the A836 out of Reay, the road dog-legs sharply northward. Almost immediately, turn right following the road for a bit and park outside the woodland surrounding Achvarasdal Care Home. It is a short walk to a path that leads uphill to the broch.

Streetmap UK NGR ND1553630447.

Visitors Information

Visitors information for the Achvarasdal Broch may be found at the Caithness Broch Project website. General tourist information for the area may be found on the Visit Scotland: Caithness and North Coast Sutherland Area website.

Additional Photos of the Achvarasdal Broch

The Achvarasdal Woodland Walk Sign near the A836
The Entrance to the Achvarasdal Woodland
The Uphill Path to Achvarasdal Broch
Information Sign Near the Achvarasdal Broch
Approaching the Entrance to Achvarasdal Broch
The Entrance to Achvarasdal Broch
The Interior of Achvarasdal Broch
The Interior Wall of Achvarasdal Broch
Close-Up of Interior Wall in Achvarasdal Broch
Exit from Achvarasdal Broch

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