Saints and Stones: St. Tassach's Church

St. Tassach's Church, located in Raholp, was founded by St. Patrick who put his disciple, St. Tassach, in charge of it.

The 10th-11th Century church stands on a slight rise in gently hilly country. It is heightened, partly by burials, and its sides are revetted in places with dry-stone walling and large slabs. The church is a simple rectangular structure of shale, originally bound with clay, not mortar. The ruin was heavily restored in 1915. East of the church is a large slab with a hole cut through it, the base for a cross, also a small plain pillar-stone. About ten slabs carved with simple crosses are recorded from Raholp, but most have disappeared in recent years.

St. Tassach was a skilled artisan who made church artifacts for many of the churches founded by St. Patrick. He is most remembered, however, for the fact that he was selected by St. Patrick to be with him in his last moments and to administer the Holy Viaticum to him.

About St. Tassach's Church

Discover Northern Ireland: Raholp Church
New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Tassach
Wikipedia: Tassac (St. Tassach)

Journey to St. Tassach's Church

St. Tassach's Church is located in Raholp east of Downpatrick on a minor road off the A25 in County Down in Northern Ireland.

Map Reference: J5447

Visitors Information

Visitors information may be found at the website. General tourist information may be found at the Discover Northern Ireland: County Down Tourism website.

Additional Photos of St. Tassach's Church

Road Sign for St. Tassach's Church
St. Tassach's Church in Field in Raholp
St. Tassach's Church

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