St. Non's Chapel and Well marks the spot where, according to tradition, St. David was born. His mother, St. Non, was the daughter of Cynyr the Fair Bearded, a local lord in the Dyfed region of Wales.
The ruins at this site are difficult to date. The pillar-stone with its incised Latin cross at the site is, however, roughly dateable to the 7th to 9th century. Unfortunately, there is no firm evidence that the stone originally came from the site.
The Chapel was a known pilgrimage destination, which went out of fashion after the Reformation.The Holy Well, however, continued to be a place for healing even after the Reformation.
About St. Non's
CADW: St. Non's Chapel
Wikipedia: Chapel of St. Non
Sacred Destinations: St. Non's Chapel, St. David's
Megalithic Portal: St. Non's Well
Wikipedia: Saint Non
Journey to St. Non's
St. Non's Chapel and Well lie just outside and south of the city of St. David's at the far southwestern tip of Pembrokeshire in Wales.
Streetmap UK (NGR SM7500724391)
Visitors Information
Visitors information for St. Non's Chapel and Well may be found at the website. For the city of St. David's and general Pembrokeshire area tourist information, visit the St. David's Online and the Visit Pembrokeshire websites.
Additional Photos of St. Non's
Path Sign to St. Non's
Descriptive Sign for St. Non's Chapel
Ruins of St. Non's Chapel
Pillar Stone Inside St. Non's Chapel Ruins
St. Non's Well