Saints and Stones: St. Colman MacDuagh Church (Teampall MacDuagh)

Near Dun Aengus, there are two small churches. The largest is of two periods: the nave with its primitive lintelled doorway and projecting side walls is from the 10th-12th Centuries, while the chancel is of a later date. It is dedicated to St. Colman MacDuagh who for a time studied with St. Enda on Aran.

Near the church is a large cross-inscribed pillar stone with a Celtic cross surmounting an orb on one side.

The smaller church is known as the Church of the Saints (Teampall na Naomh), but not much is left of it.

About St. Colman MacDuagh Church (Teampall MacDuagh)

Oileain Arann: Churches
Wikipedia: Colman mac Duagh (St. Colman mac Duagh)

Journey to St. Colman MacDuagh Church (Teampall MacDuagh)

St. Colman MacDuagh Church (Teampall MacDuagh) is located near the village of Kilmurvey near the Dun Aengus Visitors Center in the western part of the Aran Island of Inishmore, County Galway, Ireland.

Map Reference: L8110 approx.

Visitors Information

Visitors and general tourist information may be found at the Aran Islands Tourism website.

Additional Photos of St. Colman MacDuagh Church (Teampall MacDuagh)

Path Sign for St. Colman MacDuagh Church
St. Colman MacDuagh Church
Interior, St. Colman MacDuagh Church
Interior, St. Colman MacDuagh Church
Cross-Inscribed Pillar Stone Slab Near St. Colman MacDuagh Church

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