Saints and Stones: Cong Abbey

St. Fechin was the abbot-founder of several Irish monasteries, one of which was a monastery dedicated to the Virgin Mary in Cong ca. 624 A.D. The church and abbey at Cong were burned in 1114 and in 1137. The abbey was refounded for the Augustinians in1134. Among other things, the abbey is famous for the Cross of Cong, now in the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin.

Most notable among the ruins is the monk's fishing house, built in the early 12th Century. This stone structure stands in the the river. Inside, there is a square hole in the middle of the floor. On cold, rainy days, it is said the monks used to light a fire in the hearth and catch their dinner by lowering their line and bait through this hole and into the water.

About Cong Abbey

Irish Antiquities: Cong Augustinian Abbey
Ireland's Lake District Heritage: Cong Abbey
New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia: Tuam (including Diocese of Cong)
Wikipedia: Feichin of Fore

Journey to Cong Abbey

Cong Abbey is located in the village of Cong on the R345 in south County Mayo in northwest Ireland.

Map Reference: M1455

Visitors Information

Visitors information for Cong Abbey may be found at the website. General tourist information may be found at the Discover Mayo website.

Additional Photos of Cong Abbey

Descriptive Sign at Cong Abbey
Romanesque Doorway, Cong Abbey
Close-Up of Romanesque Doorway, Cong Abbey
Ruins of Cong Abbey
Ruins of Cong Abbey
Ruins of Cong Abbey
Ruins of Cong Abbey Clostier
Ruins of Cong Abbey Clostier
Ruins of Cong Abbey Clostier
Ruins of Cong Abbey Clostier
Ruins of Cong Abbey
Close-Up of Doorway, Cong Abbey
Descriptive Sign at Monk's Fishing House, Cong Abbey
Monk's Fishing House, Cong Abbey
Monk's Fishing House, Cong Abbey
Interior of Monk's Fishing House, Cong Abbey
Monk's Fishing House, Cong Abbey
Head on Arch Near Monk's Fishing House, Cong Abbey
Head on Arch Near Monk's Fishing House, Cong Abbey
The Market Cross in the Village of Cong

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