The Book of Armagh or Codex Ardmachanus, also known as the Canon of Patrick, is a 9th Century Irish manuscript written mainly in Latin. It is held by the Library of Trinity College, Dublin.
The document is valuable for containing early texts relating to St. Patrick and some of the oldest surviving specimens of Old Irish and for being one of the earliest manuscripts produced by an insular church to contain a near complete copy of the New Testament. Once reputed to have belonged to St. Patrick and, at least in part, to be a product of his hand, research has determined, however, that the earliest part of the manuscript was the work of a scribe named Ferdomnach of Armagh (died 845 or 846). Ferdomnach wrote the first part of the book in 807 or 808, for Patrick's heir, Torbach. Two other scribes are known to have assisted him. There is a stained-glass window of Torbach and Ferdomnach in St. Patrick's Church of Ireland Cathedral in Armagh. (See photos below.)
The Book of Armagh is on display in the Book of Kells exhibit at the Trinity College Library in Dublin.
About the Book of Armagh (Trinity College)
The Book of Armagh, Trinity College Library, Dublin
Wikipedia: Book of Armagh
New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia: Book of Armagh
Journey to the Book of Armagh (Trinity College)
The Book of Armagh is located in the Old Library in the Library at Trinity College in Dublin.
Map Reference: D02VR66
Visitorsl Information
Visitor information may be found on the Trinity College Dublin website. General tourist information for Dublin and surrounding area is at the Visit Dublin website.
Additional Photos of the Book of Armagh (Trinity College)
The Four Evangelists, Book of Armagh
Folio 87, Book of Armagh
Stained-Glass Window of Torbach and Ferdomnach in St. Patrick's Church of Ireland Cathedral in Armagh