A monastery at Bangor was established by St. Comgall in 558 A.D. and was famous for its learning and austere rule. It was featured in the Mappa mundi, the first map of the world. Bangor was a major center of learning -- called the "Light of the World" -- and trained many missionaries who set out for Europe beginning in the 7th Century.
It was from Bangor that St. Columbanus set out on his famous missionary journey to Europe, where he and his fellow monks founded numerous monasteries, notably at Annegray, Luxeuil, and Fontaines in France and at Bobbio in Italy, the year before his death there in 615 A.D.
Little remained of the original monastery at Bangor after repeated attacks by the Danes, who destroyed it in 824 A.D. It was restored by St. Malachy in the 12th Century and given to the Franciscans in 1469, and then to the Augustinians a century later before it was finally dissolved under James I.
About Bangor (Beannchor)
Monastic Ireland: Bangor
Wikipedia: Bangor Abbey
New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia: Bangor Abbey
Wikipedia: Comgall
Wikipedia: Columbanus
Wikipedia: Saint Malachy
Wikipedia: Augustinians
Journey to Bangor (Beannchor)
Bangor is located in the northern part of County Down in Northern Ireland on the A2. Bangor Abbey is located in the city of Bangor at the corner of Abbey Street and Newtownards Road.
Map Reference: J5081
Visitors Information
Visitors information for Bangor Abbey may be found at the Discover Northern Ireland: Bangor Abbey website. General tourist information for Bangor may be found at the Discoiver Northern Ireland: Bangor Visitor Information Centre website.
Additional Photos of Bangor (Beannchor)
Directional Sign for Bangor Abbey
Bangor Abbey
St. Malachy's Way Sign Near Bangor Abbey
St. Malachy's Wall Sign Near Bangor Abbey
St. Malachy's Wall Near Bangor Abbey
St. Malachy's Wall Near Bangor Abbey
Bangor Abbey Sundial at Nearby North Down Museum
Close-Up of Sundial at North Down Museum
Sign for Sundial at North Down Museum
Bangor Abbey Timeline Exhibit in North Down Museum
Early Christian Illustration at North Down Museum