Starting in Dublin, this journey takes approximately one hour and is 26.5 miles (42.7 km). Take the M1 going north to the junction with the R122. Go left onto the R122 to the junction with R108. Follow the R108 and the signs to Fourknocks to arrive at the tomb.
Fourknocks Passage Tomb, built about 5,000 years ago, is part of a complex of tombs. Only the main tomb has been excavated and is open to the public.
Fourknocks has a short passage leading into a wide pear-shaped chamber with three smaller offset chambers. Fragments of 65 burials were found in the tomb, both cremated and unburnt remains of adults and children. Also found were decorated pottery and vessels and personal ornaments including pendants and beads.
Just inside the main chamber to the left of the entrance is one of the few representations of a human face from the Neolithic Period in Ireland. The Face Stone is about three feet high.
Visited April 19, 2009
Visitors Information
Visitors information for Fourknocks may be found at the Megalithic Ireland website. General tourist information for the area may be found on the Discover Meath website.
Please check local road conditions for possible changes prior to venturing forth on this journey. A helpful resource for changes and possible trip interruptions if you are travelling in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland is the AA-UK Route Planner. Another map source that this website uses and that may be useful to you on your journeys is Streetmap UK.