Saints and Stones: Bamburgh

The ancient capital of Northumbria and the cradle of the regions history, the village of Bamburgh is famous for its coastline castle. A castle was first built here in the 5th Century.

When King Oswald, who spent his early years in exile on Iona, regained the Northumbria throne and ruled from Bamburgh, he sent to Iona for monks to spread the gospel throughout his lands. In 635 A.D., St. Aidan and Oswald built the kingdom's first church in Bamburgh, probably on the site of the present church.

Like the monastery at Lindisfarne to the north, the castle was raided by Vikings and suffered much destruction.In later centuries it fell into dispair; but was restored in the late 19th Century.

About Bamburgh

Bamburgh Castle Site
Wikipedia: Bamburgh Castle
Wikipedia: Oswald of Northumbria
New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Oswald

Journey to Bamburgh

Bamburgh Castle is located off the A1 in the village of Bamburgh in Northumberland, England.

Streetmap UK NGR NU1833034971.

Visitors Information

Visitors information and general tourist information for the area may be found at the Bamburgh Castle website. For general tourism information on the area, see the Visit Northumberland website.

Additional Photos of Bamburgh

Sign at Bamburgh Castle
Bamburgh Castle
Bamburgh Castle
Bamburgh Castle
Looking Out to Sea from Bamburgh Castle
Cannon at Bamburgh Castle
Burial Site of St. Oswald at Bamburgh Castle
Village of Bamburgh from Bamburgh Castle

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